
Targeted Lead Generation - Helping you discover and find the best lead generation tools and techniques for your business

Helping you understand and learn the dozens of lead generation tools and techniques that are available to help you generate leads in your business. Each show will feature one tool/technique and expert. Start generating more lead which will lead to more sales for your business.
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Targeted Lead Generation - Helping you discover and find the best lead generation tools and techniques for your business








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Now displaying: September, 2018
Sep 24, 2018

Back Again to look at more proof of this great advice from Mr. Paul Jeffers. 


Did you start going for the gold?

For the middle of the target?


Watch The Coach as he adds so much more to this article with a live presentation.


Did you get that project approved?

Did you get a higher percentage of the deal?

Did you sell the big one?


Remember what we told you last week

If you don’t' succeed, whose fault is it?



Today, let's take some time today and look at five more things we could and should do better.

Recap: the first five.

  1. Are we listening?


  1. Were we listening the last time the prospect said something?


  1. Did we ask for the order?


  1. When we did not close, did we try again?


  1. Are we comfortable with getting a “no?”


Now on with the show – here are this week’s five.


  1. Did we really believe the deal was ours when we walked in.

            Before we walk in.

            Were we that confident

            Was it written all over us.

            Did we look the part – the professional?


  1. Do we really understand that thing call being “humble.”

            Shut up and listen.

            Stand up and be strong when you must.



  1. Did we make it that good that the prospect could not refuse to buy.

            Did we present it right?

            Did we highlight the right things? (because we knew, because we listened).

            Because we knew the buyers real needs?


  1. Did we sell “us.”

            If the prospect did not buy us – we are crazy to think he/she would buy the product.

            All things being even people buy from people they like – we all know that.

            But, all things not being equal – people still buy from people they like.


  1. Do we really think we needed all these things?

            That we need to think, practice, work it and ask for the deal.

            Or did we think we were too good for that?

            Practice?  Me?  I am a professional?

            Professionals practice more than anyone else – maybe that is why they are professionals.


If you are not closing the deal – then take some real time to look at these.


Failure Creates Success

Remember what Paul Jeffers said:

“Failure to Hit the Bull's-eye is Never the Fault of the Target.”


First you have to admit you are not hitting the target, or you are not hitting it as well as you want.

Second, give me a call and let’s set up 15 minutes to have that initial discussion.

No obligation, no pressure.

At a time that works best for you.


Sep 17, 2018

Great piece of advice from Mr. Paul Jeffers. 


Think about it, the target is simply an inanimate object.

Think about the targets in your life, things you are trying to hit.  How are you doing?


Get that raise?

Close that customer?

Get approval to move forward?

If you don’t' succeed, whose fault is it?


Further Mr. Jeffers added:  “Failure to buy is never the fault of the prospect.”

So stop blaming them and start doing what needs to be done.


We spend a great deal of time trying to get people to believe it is anyone's fault but our own.


Watch this in Video form:


Let's take some time today and look at the first 5 things we could and should do better.  The second 5 we will give you next week.


  1. Are we listening?

            Do we really hear what is being said or do we hear what we want to hear?

            Or do we hear at all?


  1. Were we listening the last time the prospect said something?

            Listening, not trying to figure the answer.

            Listening, not trying to develop a strategy.

            Listening, not waiting for a break so we could talk.


  1. Did we ask for the order?

            Not dance around it.

            Not play with it.

            Are you ready to buy today?

            When can we schedule delivery?

            Or simply – are you going to buy or not?


  1. When we did not close, did we try again?

            Did we try a different way?

            Did we practice beforehand and were we ready for whatever the prospect did?


  1. Are we comfortable with getting a “no?”

            Or do we like to dance around the question?

            Never really ask?

            Better to walk out without an answer than with a “no” - wrong.


Did you close the deal or not.

If not, then you better think and work these 5.

Next week we will give you the second 5.


Failure Creates Success

Sales comes from working hard and working smart.

From trying and trying and trying again.

Are you doing the right things, the right way?

Are you closing the deal?

If not, we should talk.


Remember what Paul Jeffers said:

“Failure to Hit the Bull's-eye is Never the Fault of the Target.”





Sep 10, 2018

Today, let me walk you through 3 things that can help you increase your sales.  Yes, it is very basic – fundamentals.  However, just like the great athletes, fundamentals win the game.  That is why the real stars are always practicing fundamentals before the game.

Make sure yours are extraordinary.


Sep 3, 2018

Have you ever felt like this at the end of the day, “what did I get done today?”

It seems like nothing.


Or perhaps you have taken the time to reflect on the day and have felt like a pinball – bouncing all over the place. If you remember how a pinball machine works you shoot the ball and then it hits all the bouncing stuff, then you flip it up and it does it again.  Does a pinball resemble a  picture of your day at times?


to look at your list and wonder – “isn’t this list bigger than when the day first started?”


This is the classic problem – there is way too much in your basket.


One of the keys to success is simply this:  Figure out not just what you need to get done today – but what you can actually get done.


Last week we talked about getting things done – what I hoped was that you had a look at the 90 Days to Your Success process.

If not, here is the link, why don’t you check it out today? 


Today, I want to talk about how to set up your basket.


Here are 3 tips that will help you arrange your basket, so that you can achieve success in your life, business and career.



1/        Determine what you want to get today – do this the night before.


Create a simple list for tomorrow, or perhaps you have a list of things you need to get done (a to-do list), so you can just pull off what you want to do tomorrow.


It can at times be overwhelming when we look at our “to do list.”

I can’t get all that done.

Even if apply myself.

Even if I rush.

Even if I give myself less time for each task.


Does this sound like you? Okay, then it is too much.

First, you need to accept that fact and start to dump stuff off the list, things you know you are never going to get to.

Just do it.


We have this crazy fear that we might get everything on the list done and have nothing left to do. 

Now I ask you, has that ever happened to you?



2/        Schedule your day.

            Now you need to put each of the things in your basket on your schedule for the day.

            So many of your to-do lists will not contain how long it is going to take or how much time you want to spend on it today. – you need to have this on the list for each item, and not in your head.


            From this exercise, you can also see that when you match your calendar to the tasks, but you still may need to dump some more jobs.


Remember also to schedule what is called, “catch up” blocks.

These are 30-minute blocks during your day in which you schedule a specific time to catch up.

Yes, now put them on your calendar.


Also, remember to schedule any unexpected times (or events).  Some of you will have a lot of unexpected events that you need to work with every day.  Get it on your calendar.  Account for the time.  Understand it affects you getting things done.



3/        Track and understand what really happened during your day.


            At the end of the day – go back and take time to understand how it really turned out.


            Why didn’t it things happen the way you planned?  Or why did they?

            What got in the way of your doing your tasks?  Was it really more important?

            Is there a pattern that starts to develop over the weeks?

            What can I do about it in the future?


            Reflect on this information.

            It will help you in building your plan for tomorrow.




Put less in your basket tomorrow.  You will soon learn this, and it will be amazing how much more you actually get done.


If you need help – that is what the 90 Days to Your Success tool is all about.

            Helps you get things done.

            Cuts procrastination

            Produces consistent results.