Expect to close the deal – done.
Expect great performance from your team – get it.
Expect to be successful and you will be successful.
No – it is not easy.
Expectation leads to doing, sharing and pushing.
It is hard work and requires consistency.
But the results are amazing.
Those who follow my stuff know I am a huge proponent of expectation in all my coaching work. When I hire a person, I lay out in detail my expectations of her/him and his/her expectations of me or the company we are hiring them for.
In writing.
There is no room for “I thought.”
Everything is documented, so there are no gray areas.
Expectations require you to do 3 things to make them work.
Today, let’s take a look at them in a little detail.
Take a few moments to think about the day and what has transpired.
Reflect on the week and understand it better.
You will be amazed at what happens when you reflect.
We run so fast in life that so much of the important stuff, that you see when you reflect, just passes us by.
What if, we took a few minutes?
We might just see what so many of us miss – that something that could change our lives.
Today I want you to start using reflection in your life and watch with amazement what happens.
Three simple things you can do that I guarantee will change your and will change your life.
Are you hiring the right players or you are settling for the ‘OK’ people?
Are you looking for people who are going to take your organization to the next level or you are just filling in with warm bodies?
Today, post-pandemic, we have seen some different things going on with employees.
Some are not coming back.
Some because they are not ready, and some because you no longer need them.
Perhaps you have decided that the person has not performed well for a really long time. You ask yourself, “Do I really need to bring them back into the organization at this point or any point?”
Those are the kind of things that are happening when it comes to employees in today’s world.