None of us is that good.
So what it really means it you never try to stretch,
You never go outside the norm
You never push yourself to the limits.
I failed many, many times and some of those failures cost me thousands of dollars and a heck a alot more.
But what they gave me could be calculated to be worth a bunch more.
I am who I am because I took those chances,
I failed
I learned
I got up
And I did it again.
I often tell the story, of a young lady who never had failed in her life.
There was almost nothing she could not do successfully.
She never failed until her third year in college – then she hit the roadblock.
She took what they call the medical breaker course, “Anatomy and Physiology.”h
(I think some of you can relate to this.)
She failed and it just devastated her.
It took a while for her to recover.
And it changed some things in her going forward.
The lesson for you all is that if she had of failed many times before, it would not have been a very big deal and she might just have gotten up, recovered and keep on going a lot quicker.
Those of us who have failed many times and ended up falling on our faces so many times since we were young, we get up a lot quicker and get back on the horse.
Why do you think young children learn so much, they are consistently failing.
Trying again and again.
That is the key we are missing as we get older
That is the key to success
You have to try and if you fail, learn and try it again.
Here are 3 ways to integrate failure into your success process.
Attitude – yours is the turning point to success in so much of what you do.
Making calls is certainly one of them.
You may have heard it said, “smile when you make a call, it comes through,” and it really does.
You might be so much better at making calls than I, but I make all my calls with attitude.
And that is why my results are so much better than yours.
Think about it.
Amelia was new to the sales game, but she had a natural smile. She started working and making calls and when she called, she just smiled away. You could sit across from her and it was contagious. She make many of the rookie mistakes, but yet her numbers were amazing.
The smile is that important.
Today, I want to talk with you.
I believe in what I am saying.
I am here to help you.
WIIFY is what I am calling for. (What’s in it for YOU)
If you are not having success on the phone – it could just be your attitude.
Not the list.
Not the time of day.
Not the gatekeeper.
Not the product/service.
Your attitude.
It is YOU!
I once worked with a guy who could do calls all day, 8 hours, powerful. His consistency made him successful, as I have taught before. But he was nowhere near as successful in selling as he could have been and we could not understand. He had all the pieces together. After listening to him we knew - he just didn’t have the attitude. In fact, his attitude sucked.
3 things today to do when you make calls.
CEO number one, takes time to walk into his company’s locations (over 20) at least twice a year. During this visit he takes time to talk with the people who work there. He knows most of them and calls them by name. He takes time to get to know his team.
When our second CEO goes out to the company’s locations, she doesn’t just say hi and go away. No, she is more of a hands-on person. Taking time to listen to the people, but also taking time to help them and pitch in in doing the work. She believes none of us, no matter what level we work at, are do good to get down and do the work.
Our third CEO takes time to talk with people when he is out in the field. Actually, pulling up a chair and having a conversation. Getting a cup of coffee in the break room and sitting with 5-6 employees and learning about stuff that no one else seems to be aware of.
Three different CEO’s, but all with one common thread – they are leaders.
Leaders know the people who work for them by name. They walk in the field with those people. They listen to them and make them understand that those at the top do care.
The greatest resource you have as a leader is your people. When you walk down the road and look behind you, you see one of two things.
People are either following you or they are not. If there is no one behind you, then the best you can be is a positional leader and that just won’t get it done. (Positional leader is someone who has the title, but that is all)
Today I want to share 3 things