Change happens all the time.
And it is just a part of life.
Yet we fight it, argue with it, and hate it.
We want things to stay the way they are.
During this pandemic, a lot of things have changed.
Some are good, and some are not so good.
Join us as we talk with SEO expert Mr. John Vuong on how to help your business to grow. Getting more leads. Getting more people to your site using SEO as the primary tool.
You start your day – do you have your priorities for the day?
The things that you want to do
The things you want to accomplish and
By 830 you already got sucked into everyone else’s priority
And from 830 until the end of the day, you are working everyone else’s priority.
But what about you?
What happens to yours?
An outstanding leader must have the ability and discipline to decide effectively, timely, and correctly.
The reason most people never become outstanding leaders is because the higher you go in an organization, the faster you need to be able to make decisions. Usually, this is also with less information and resulting in a greater impact.