All of us, even those of us in the business of lead generation and helping companies to increase sales, get overwhelmed by the new shiny object syndrome. (everything looks so good).
Daily I listen to many podcasts in my car, or while I am walking. Most of these are centered on increasing sales. Most are centered on some tool, some process or something new that Facebook or Instagram or Linkedin is doing and it can help increase sales.
However, the question is always, which way do I go?
Should I buy this right now?
Should I do it this week or next week?
How does it fit into my strategic and tactical plans?
But don’t feel like the Lone Ranger out there because you are not.
This is simply what the playing field looks like today.
At Coach Manny and Targeted Lead Generation, one thing we try and do is bring all this to you. We get you to look at how this fits your strategic and tactical plans going forward.
No one can do it all, but we try to do as much as we can to help you find the right solution. In our consulting practice we try and understand, “what is the best tool(s) for you, how long should you stay with them, and how do you stop all the static. Further, how does it all mesh with your strategic and tactical plans?
Today I just want to hit a couple of points related to this.
What is the best tool(s) for you?
How do you stop all the static and not get sucked in?