When you absolutely must get through to someone.
What happened to those never give up salespeople who just keep going?
If you are trying to connect with someone, be they a new or existing friend or foe, what do you do when you are not being very successful?
You know you must get through to this person. It is no longer a question of whether you need to, now it is statement.
I must get through to her.
How easy is it to forget we are on video when in the middle of a conversation on a video call? Just take some time during your next few calls to observe yourself and others. So many times, our face tells a whole different story than our words or lack of words. I catch myself too many times making the wrong facial expression, but not until I have already done it
Are you trying to have a conversation with a client and they just can't seem to put their cell phone away. Are you being interupted every 5 minutes with a call or text and you feel you have to take it. Why can't we leave our phone outside the meeting?
Come and learn some things that could just increase your productivity.